Monday, May 08, 2006

Poetry In Motion - Elena Karina Byrne

Living in Los Angeles requires a person to be accepting of the situations before them. Now this is true no matter where you live in the world. On this section of the planet, we take a little more time than folks on the East Coast to go with the flow.

This is a Dial-Up Friendly QuickTime Version

The immigrant issue has a lot of folks fractured. It is not a yes or no question. It is more of what do we do now question. On both sides. There is more to being an American than providing a living for your family. What else do you bring?

For some there is the respect for the spoken word. Or a pretty lady reading a poem after a long days work. What do we as so called Americans gain from new ideas, a command for recognition and respect? How will we change or will we put up a fuss?

Then there is history. The one that is being forgotten. The lessons that could help us go into the future if we would just look at the past and make peace with it.

But we live in the 21C. There are quiet spirit filled moments that happen every day in this land. They slip by because we are tired or in a hurry or hungry. We need peace. We need action. Some only want the next big thing. Some of us tune out in self defense.

On this train, in this moment take the time to share in English and Spanish our voices. The poet is Elena Karina Byrne who is reading a selection of poems.

Elena has a book on Amazon that you might want to check out:

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