The way I participated with AudioMo was on Twitter. This allowed me to upload a 2 minute audio clip and keep it inside of the Twitter community.
You might have heard that Twitter is going through some changes.
The site has become more hospitable to people (in my option) who are far right of center, who believe non-scientific things and consider minimal salt as the only flavoring substance acceptable on food.
I have reduced my contributions on Twitter to bare minimum.
Last I heard they are attempting to make a closed system. More people will leave.
Maybe Twitter users need a Superman to fight the forces of evil. Specifically, the 1939 dude.
He was all action. Didn't think about it, just did what it would take to make it right.
Even if he was bone wrong in the way he went about doing it.
AudioMo is an international celebration of personal audio however you define it. You can do one day or thirty.
It happens in the month of June. Folks are participating via Mastodon, Twitter and perhaps even BlueSky. If your portal has a means of searching, you can find it via the #AudioMo tag.
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