This is an international celebration of personal audio however you define it. You can do one day or thirty. It happens in the month of June.
In 2022 I did almost 30 days talking about cartoons and how it relates to modern day concerns about kids, censorship, parental rights and political opportunism.
That sounds a lot more lofty that what I probably actually said.
Anyway, time marches on and in 2023 I did the whole thirty days. But not on Twitter.
I'm using a platform called Mastodon.
I'm also signed up to Post.News and Spoutible. I didn't post their because there is no way to cross-post and I was up to my neck it work, homework, and all the other work I do.
I'm interested in trying to make audio accessible. Both for people that need it; speakers of second languages, hearing impaired or cannot turn on the audio at the moment.
So I created captioned audio pieces.
The general topic is comic books with somehow linking it to modern stuff or my feeling about what is being presented.
This is the intro to Day 1 of AudioMo
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