I would love to encourage other women to do so, especially if you remember hearing it on the radio. If you don't then do it for mom or your auntie. A bonding opportunity that does not involve bail.
I'm telling you, based on the competition I have seen so far you could have a slam dunk trip to New York. Plus you don't need a camcorder, they have recorded the video footage for you to remix if you don't want to record your own stuff.
There is something cool/mischievous about having permission to play with one of your musical cultural icons.
Tagging Clouds Is A Good Thing
I visited three of tag/word cloud applications. I have also copied the lyrics to the song and some of the interview questions and answers. This does not mean that you will discover the answer.
Last I heard somebody spilled the beans anyway but I really don't care. This tag cloud was make with Word It Out.

And this is one from is from TagCrowd,

And the winner and still champion (who may undergo a name change real soon) Wordle.net

I used a screen capture program called Snagit but for those fiscally challenged I can recommend on the PC side Gadwin Print Screen. Try to make all of the images the same size and resolution.
Plunk these bad boys into an photo animation software or video editor that accepts photos. Look for a pan and zoom command, that will get you started.
Bada da bing, you've got the glimmer of an idea. But not these three, cuz I've got plans for them. And before you get any ideas read the FAQs and terms of service so that you are clear as to what you can and can't do with these images.
Have fun.
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