Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Camcorder Buying Tips Part2 Videoblogging Week 2009

This is the rest of part two of the camcorders. I wish it was better but part of doing Videoblogging week is to get it out their. Don't polish and and the chrome just tell your story.

Still trying to recognize that face in the video because it doesn't look like the one in the mirror in the mornings.

Acceptance it hard work when you have to face the reality of yourself. It could be worse. But I want to return to the shadows when this is over. This is stretching my boundaries and not in a good way. I talk to damn fast. I know better but I'm so intent on not boring folks and yet saying what I have to say

I forget myself and hit light speed. I will work on that in the time to come.

There are some doozys out there. I gotta find that guy name John to find out if his is going to risk his stability by visiting the women he loves but she dumped her.Rough either way you look at it.

I want more sustainability videos from Garden Girl who I just found out that Mel from Square Foot Gardening has been hanging out. Susan Powter is having techno-trouble and I feel her pain. Seeing so many new faces and those that have leaped to the next level. Blessings.

Old and new friend are starting to re-appear. We have been lurking in the shadows resting up and it is like homecoming. In other news, I'm taking the 31 Day Better Blogger Challenge and I'm applying it to video as best I can and to other posts. I have Darren's book so I kinda know what to expect but it is a good opportunity that I didn't want to pass up. I 'm ready for it now.

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