Thursday, August 02, 2007

Cambodian Blogging Summit - August 30 -31

Man, if I had the money and more vacation time I'd be there in a heartbeat. There is going to be a great meet-up with Cambodian bloggers, non-governmental organizations, professional bloggers and anyone else who happens to be in the neighborhood on August 30 -31, 2007


There will be exchanges of information, technology, friendship and unquestionably some jamming culinary possibilities. That is if you can pry the bloggers away from their laptops long enough for a decent meal. Not as easy as it sounds.

Beth Kanter is heading overseas to take vlogging kits, donated swag and other teaching goodies. If you want to check out what she is doing and how you can help visit

More importantly, if you could drop some cash money like $20 or more to help Beth get over to the other side of the world that would be major cool. She needs a total of $4,000 by August 10th to make the trip happen and send the stuff over to Phnom Penh, Cambodia.

Beth has a deal with ChipIn where if she raises a certain amount of moolah they will match it. Each one teach one! So pull back on three days worth of lattes and help a cyber-sister out. Remember, she needs the money by August 10th to book the flight but she will need funds once she is in country.

August 14, 2007 Update - Blessings to Beth as she books her trip! $4,151 was raised or 103% of the goal. The recycled swag level is picking up and it will be a great time. Beyond cool, hopefully there will be video to pass around to those of us looking wistfully over the ocean.

1 comment:

  1. thanks so much for blogging about this! Appreciate it
