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This is the Windows Media Video Version
It just so happens that there are more people on the political left that I encounter than people on the political right. And seeing how I am not exactly welcomed in those places where the political right hang out at – which I have no idea what those places are cuz I never see any invitations, grass roots meetings, flyers, or people on the corner demonstrating their faith and support of the current administration's policies.
It might be geography. It might be I hang with the wrong crowd. I have a feeling it might be some of those places that have $300 to $1,000 a plate chicken dinners. (Do they serve chicken at those dinners?) It might be the type of events that require high heels. My flat feet would be yelping before I got out the door. But should I happen to stumble into a public, Los Angeles specific conservative, right leaning event I promise to give equal time and consideration.
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