Monday, October 03, 2005

Young African American Conference - Part 1

I wasn't sure if I should be attending. I'm not a guy nor a young person. But I kept getting the feeling I should show up and take a few snaps, at the very least. So I took old faithful down to Pasadena City College early on a Saturday morning not sure of what I was going to find.

I stepped up to the table and the gentleman in the photo above, asked me if I was from the press. "No, not exactly. I would like to record the event and place it in my blog." I could tell he didn't quite know what a blog was but he pointed out to me some of the highlights of the day.

There would be workshops in leadership, self-esteem, how to decode the messages in music videos, how to get into college. There would be workshops for parents on the nature of gang and how to keep young men safe and alive.

There was one other person taking photos. But there was no one from NBC, ABC, CNN and dang skippy not a soul from Fox News. They wouldn't have believed what they would have seen anyway, parents with their children, young men who were interested in college information, a community collectively raising their young men.

This is in the morning at registration/breakfast.

This is the link to the 160x120 QuickTime version.

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