Saturday, November 12, 2005

Hey, That's Amore for Soldiers In Iraq

In the Pasadena Weekly there was an article on page 24 about Supporting Our Troops. Normally I take that to mean, "Stop reading, you are the other and you are not invited. But the sub-head caught my eye, "Musicians and volunteers put politics aside to create care packages" for those doing active duty in Iraq. I knew that I wanted to document that kind of cooperation and positive action.

Here's the thing. The event started at 11 a.m. and I was diverted by art and motorcycles so when I arrived at 1 p.m. they were finished. Forty volunteers showed up at Hey, That's Amore coffeehouse and packed boxes like they were on mission.

The owner of the store was still a little amazed at how quickly things happened but they you go. Ask people not political labels to do something and you get a powerful result. But the job is half done. They still gotta ship those boxes overseas. So, if you are so inclined send a buck or two to:

Hey, That's Amore Coffeehouse & Store
27 E. Holly Street
Pasadena, CA 91103-3906

But I got no video. Some days I feel like Maxwell Smart, "Missed it by that much."

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